Now i'm mad at the Mouse (TM)

Simple Plan was pumped up for the interview but a certain huge entertainment corporation in Orlando put a stop to the whole deal.
At least the upper echelon of SRWT will get a couple of days of richly deserved R&R but we "mechanics" have to stay behind in Winnipeg (and Vancouver). Oh boo-hoo, we have to wait 3 whole weeks before we leave for Kenya and Egypt.

I guess i can unpack all this stuff, now. Good practice for Africa. Yeah, that's it.
All the running around today included new visa shots- some crazy unky duck fan or stalker seems to have made off with the hard copy of the shot seen below, so i had to get new ones shot and on a plane with 26 minutes of lead time... very jet set.
Maybe he's really a Vole. I hear they have a problem in the Peg this year....
Where's the upload of the new VISA shot?
Just curious
Where's the upload of the new visa photo? Can't wait to see it.
At least you have a new toy to play with.
I'd like to see the new visa shot as well ducks. :) miss you guys!
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