Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The future has arrived

You can now get here from a new url, if ya like
Now, to figure out a way to monetize this thing...

UPDATE: now i've managed to disable the site..
nice start.

Weird science

It's strange to go into the Picante office, after working at home for over a year...there's no dogs and cats (and Sharon) to bother me...

just a LOT of other stuff.
PLUS I'm out in the hall, again.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

And even more...

She said "More pix"

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Now i'm mad.

I told you that the "take off your shoes for the sake of national security" gang would get worse before they got better.
Take a look here.
and here.
Thank you for your support.

A Cast of Thousands(ish)

Thanks to Matthias and Cathy for jumping on board.
We spent the day shooting a couple of promo bits for our fab sponsor St. Vital Centre...the kids seemed to have fun, but kids are weird.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Time out

The first cut of Episode 13 The Best of SRWT is at the V1.2 stage... it's been a challenge to get all the "good stuff" into one show. In fact, it is patently impossible. Meanwhile, i'm going on a picnic.
Illustrated, is our host,
hanging out with the crew in Jamaica shooting a pilot for "30 Minute Postcard" in 1994.
Featuring the voice of Kevin Barteaux

Notice we've rolled off 7 and a half hours of footage by this point...

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Memory Lane

Was it real ?
Is it possible that all this stuff happened in a little over a year ?
Launching on CITY TV in Winnipeg Saturdays at 3 this fall !

Monday, August 06, 2007

There's an old saying in television production

There's an old saying in TV, that the amount of work will expand to fill any available time. The first cut of Malaysia trickled into the long weekend, so the extra few days are in the show, on the screen, and looking good. IMHO.
Special thanks to Lori for stoically putting up with having all fun/duck related activities bounced to the back burner. I sure hope your trusty iBook comes back to life soon.
Anyhooo.. SRWT Malaysia 1&2 are in the can (preliminarily).

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Deadline Doom

We're closing in on the first major delivery deadline... editing continues on episodes 11-13. Some stuff is easier than others... Cowboy Town, I'm talkin' to YOU ! We are also enjoying unprecedented cooperation from PopShuvit. Thanks dudes ! (That's what you kids say isn't it... thanks dudes ?) Denise is working like some sort of post-modern galley slave... the show's lookin' HOT... confidence is high... Shea did her best work last time out... I, for one, am hugely confident that Shea's dreams of college will be thwarted by her busy production schedule.