Tuesday, May 29, 2007

It had to happen

I always worried that I'd turn out to be the kind of stereotypical boring old uncle, who continually trots out slideshows and drones on and on about "the days'.
As you know, I am all about the slideshows...
and now, I have a book.

Be afraid, be very afraid.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The year's first rainout

Of course, the sun came out within 5 minutes of the official rainout message.
Duh, i posted this one to the wrong blog.
See picantepickledpeppers.blogspot.com for the appropriate data stream.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Before and After

The "Austin Powers" Project was less traumatic than anticipated

Friday, May 18, 2007

The women of Picante

Sometimes i wish i worked at the office...or at least close enough to go to lunch with the goils. Have a pleasant weekend everyone.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Thanks for the memories. Such as they are.

Shaun proved to be up to the task of partying like it was marked down to $19.99, on the best party bus we've been on on this continent. Notice that he's winding himself up with some sort of energy drink... is there REALLY rhino horn in there ?

For the record, I'm Shaun's uncle too.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

What goes around...

What walks on four legs, then two, then three ?

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Sunday, time to get into trouble...

Idle hands and all.. check out the Facebook group "Shea's Rockin' World Tour" for more pix and an interesting array of older types trying to figure it out, while the kids snicker in the background.. with luck there will be a video bubble floating around here experimentally... if not... TDB.
However, if it does work, it may open one of the larger cans of worms.
OK, it's not working..so far..the server might be overloaded due to the "Digg Effect" Join the fun at bubbleguru.com

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Viva !!

Happy Cinco De Mayo to all mi amigos and amigas, and any strangers who happen to read this bit.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Inside joke

Aside from paying the tab,
all goes well on project X.