Blog Courtesy, Protocol and tradition

Since i have no knowledge of any of the above, i will shamelessly go back and add stuff to the previous blogs, just to keep the timeline in some kind of shape. If i was 12, I'm sure i would know how to do it properly. Note for example, adds to the "Gecko" and "Old Smokey" posts.
If it's a problem, sorry, if you don't care, that's ok too.
Please comment, it bugs Laura SO much.
and we're keeping score.
Chris, you are too kind. The feedback really helps to make the blogfactories feel like we're not talkin' to ourselves. The things should be called BRAGspots.
I tend not to pay attention to the timeline. I love to look at the pictures! And the sideline comments crack me up!
Glad you are back!
Add another point!
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