We checked out of ur nice digs in Honolulu, and drove up to the North shore. Beautiful drive, but when we arrived at Turtle Bay Resort, it all went to hell. They sent us away for an hour, because check in is at 2. We came back at 2, and they didn't have keys, didn't know how to contact the guy who might have keys, and wouldn't let Laura use their computer, (on the desk 3 feet away) to try and track the guy down. Apparently, he's off the island somewhere, and may not have made arrangements for the 3 condos for 10 people that we contracted. If he did make arrangements, he ddn't share them with us. My still camera is crapping out, I lost a whole pile of great shots of Shea with a survivor of Pearl Harbour. Oh well. At least we're in Hawaii.
We are all internetting up a storm, trying to find another place to stay, luckily the beach bar has free high speed wireless.

Oh, fine. The doors are unlocked. Duh.
At least we had a nice beach bar to sit in...
bitch bitch bitch
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