Dodged THAT bullet

After the Villa VIsta the Best Western looked pretty inviting to us.
After an amazing amount of agonizing, Laura has pulled the plug on the Nicaragua leg of the extended tour. We had hoped to knock off another episode at excruciatingly low cost, but without any research or prep of any kind. With our flights booked home, just changing them made the costs rise back to near normal. Being burgled, plus the white knuckle ride on the vomit comet pretty well decided her. We will concentrate our last few days here on making Costa Rica one of the best shows yet, instead of being distracted by all the stuff needed to make Nicaragua happen. Huge thanks, and maybe apologies to Selim, Shaun and Ken for dropping everything and trying to make it possible. We still want to do Nicaragua, but in our own time, and really ready. We also would have really suffered without Allan to carry the weight - both physical and mental.
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