Time to slag Patrick

Sometimes we work with a tour company, and sometimes we don't. Laura is prety busy with Picante, what with opening 2 new offices in the last year, so we put our trust in Vacation SuperDeals.
They totally didn't get it. We have the lightest, smallest gear that any 2 camera crew ever travelled with, but we still are going to have to lash the luggage to the roof.
How they thought we could put 12 people, luggage and production gear in these roller skates, is a mystery. Patrick is full of excuses, and yesterday said something to the effect of "I don't care about your vacation" Laura hung up on him, personally, I think he was lucky.
Did i mention that they booked us on a regional flight with a 25 pound weight limit per person ? Does this sound like a good idea for a tv crew ? The second time we were separated from our luggage. What do you need a change of clothes for ? Just cuz it's 30 degrees and humid, and we're humping gear up and down the mountain.....
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