Some Official Statistics for the Record. Contributed by Shaun, updates and snotty comments by UD
UPDATED Thursday April 12
Number of Days on Tour 21
Number of Flights taken: 15
Number of Airports: 11
(Winnipeg, Salt Lake City, LAX, Taipei, Kuala Lumpur*,
KL, New Delhi, Jaipur, Mumbai, Cochin, Mumbai Langkawi,Mumbai, Kuala Lumpur, Taipei, L.A. Toronto, Winnipeg )

*The BEST Airport in the World 15-25 million passengers ! Toronto's in the same group-it's NOT the best, big time.
Number of Hours in the Air (not including layovers) 68

Number of Hotels (or versions of) stayed in
(Corus, Sunway, Clarks Shiraz, Umaid, Bawa Int’l,
Houseboat Heaven, KL Marriott, Berjaya Langkawi,
Afamosa (Cowboy Town), Shangri-la, Ramada Plaza) 11
Most consecutive days in one hotel 3 Shangri-la
Number of nights flying/driving overnight instead of hotel 5
(LAX to Taipei, KL to Delhi/Agra, Mumbai to KL, Taipei to LAX,
LAX to Toronto)
Number of Hours spent waiting in lines, security at
airports,Embassies, etc. 50 (at least)
Internet Connections attempted / completed A lot/Not so much
Number of times someone used the phase
“__________ the good times!” 10,297 (Estimated at the very least)
Number of times Ezi grossed out/ terrorized Marnie 17
Number of Beers consumed by UnkyDuck Ask Ezi for verification
Number of Batteries used / carried by Allan 248 (especially those AAs)
Number of cars / people in India I’m kidding – lol
(Actually, Barbie's dream bus hit a scooter- neither driver stopped)

Number of times McDonald’s Gourmet was consumed 6
Number of watches received from Kingfisher Airlines 4
Number of BEERS consumed by Marnie 6. It was very hot.

Number of times an Asian tourist took Shea’s picture 29