Any of you kids out there who want to help out the cause... chat up the show on any message boards that you frequent... send fans to
sheasrockinworltour.com and invite them to join the group at
facebook. If teenage polevaulters can get 100,000 hits a day without trying, we should be able to get the ball rolling if we put our minds to it...(perhaps by impersonating 12 year olds, but I suppose that's as unethical as it is widespread).
In the meantime, Denise, Chris, UD, and others are labouring to prepare the 13 soon-to-be-legendary shows for air.
Strangely, the
demo India promo on YouTube is getting some traffic. I suppose I should replace it with a more complete version, but perhaps it's the "in progress" feel to the thing that appeals to the YouTube gang...
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