Shout outs to Teresa

I am told that there is at least ONE loyal reader still out there.
Laura and I travelled to Regina again today, shot a buncha bankers. (How great does THAT sound ?) Actually, we were shooting Credit Union functionaries.. MUCH nicer than bankers ever could be.

Once again we were stuffed into a tiny "full size" rental car...AACK. I don't know if they just say whatever comes into their head, or what ? At least, we were travelling light for a change.
The flight back to Winnipeg was delayed for a couple of hours, (at flight time) and we were at the mercy of a teenage channel-changer. I know a lot more about Brittney et al plus we enjoyed the top 10 "Hair band" videos. Good thing they sell beer on the air-side. This feature is not always in place.
Laura got a nice new shirt. Apparently it went over VERY well.
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