Thursday, June 28, 2007

Credit where credit is due

Shout-outs are also due to Tony and the bunch down at "Wayne's World" AKA MidCan Productions. Dang the footage looks good on that big monitor, even in standard definition. I might just have to recut the promos in HD just so I could pop my eyes out. The promos should start running on SCN pronto. Another be sure.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Another new face

Adam from Elemental Motion Media has joined the mission, assisting in the general show design and hopefully a new opening.
His brief: "Make it beautiful, cool, edgy, futuristic, retro, easy to use in all circumstances and inexpensive"
Also quick.
He seems keen to give it a go... Denise seems to be pleased.
The SRWT website is next for a facelift... who-hoo !
Attention JD of PopShuvit- Your photo (in bg on file cabinet) is still in its place of honour, it just had gravity issues.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Would you watch this show ?

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Best shot of the guv'na

These shots are in reply to Laura's comment that I'm lookin' like me da...

Meanwhile the page's drifting off into the "look at me" world of bloggery...instead of the rock 'em sockem world of TV production that readers have come to expect. Tune in tomorrow for a return to all things SRWT.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Shout-out to Manny Minuk

I have been remiss in making fun
of my nice new choppers that Manny made for me.
Actually, i think he's an artist.

I caught a reflection of myself the other day, and i look even MORE like my mum now.
Manny's dad made my mum's set.

No more will be said on this topic, I promise.

I knew Kingfisher was a clever bunch

Watch us hijack the national carrier's billboard campaign.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Pop Shuvit ROCKS !

I started screening for the SRWT Malaysia episodes...
the footage is pretty amazing.. wayta go D !
The PopShuvit concert segment is going to be so great
that it's all i can do to keep from STARTING the edit there.
Watch for the YouTube release !!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

SRWT is a funny thing

When I'm at home
i kind of miss the action of SRWT in the field.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Did he make up the name Juan Mann ?

Was I the last person to see the Juan Mann/Sick Puppies bit from YouTube ? YOU could be the one that puts this clip over a million views. (Of course it's copied all over the place, plus seen on network tv so...)Anyhoo, it made me leak from the eyes.

Direct link to Juan |Here| Check out the interview clips... the guy couldn't be any more sincere.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Get that viral thing cranked up, ... please

Any of you kids out there who want to help out the cause... chat up the show on any message boards that you frequent... send fans to and invite them to join the group at facebook. If teenage polevaulters can get 100,000 hits a day without trying, we should be able to get the ball rolling if we put our minds to it...(perhaps by impersonating 12 year olds, but I suppose that's as unethical as it is widespread).

In the meantime, Denise, Chris, UD, and others are labouring to prepare the 13 soon-to-be-legendary shows for air.

Strangely, the demo India promo on YouTube is getting some traffic. I suppose I should replace it with a more complete version, but perhaps it's the "in progress" feel to the thing that appeals to the YouTube gang...